Rabu, 16 Januari 2013


Pengembangan Tanaman dengan laut dan suhu 22-30 o 40-50% di atas tingkat intensitas cahaya tropis 50-1000 meningkat oftimal ketinggian Durian. Sandy tanah lempung adalah tanah yang subur dan bahan organik cocok untuk Durian. Jadi jenis tanah latosol, Merah - podsolik kuning, adosol Durian jenis yang cocok untuk tanaman tanah.adalah. Kemudian Durian pemandangan bagus adalah sedikit miring, tapi tidak lebih dari 35o, terasering lahan miring untuk mencegah erosi. Durian akar tanaman dapat menembus tiga meter ke dalam tanah, itu adalah lokasi yang baik dekat kedalaman 50-300 cm dari tanah. Lokasi air tanah yang terlalu rendah dapat menyebabkan akar membusuk. 1.2. Tanaman penanaman Durian 1.2.1 Pemilihan benih Langkah pertama sebelum penanaman varietas unggul yang telah disetujui oleh Departemen pertaniaan adalah benih yang baik. dengan demikian, itu adalah keuntungan besar Mont Hong Kong dan chanee. spesies cirri / strain adalah tanda-tanda umum dari Durian benih yang baik: Sehat dan segar benih Non hama dan penyakit Banyak Daunya Menjelang batang dan percabanganya 2-4 Melihat pertumbuhan batang tunas baru Keseimbangan antara jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman Hubungi:WWW.WAHYUTANIPUTRA.COM Telp:08121566376

Searches Related to durian Durian Fruit Durian Stinky Fruit Durian Tree Nutrients Coming from Durian Fruits Benefits of Durian Fruit Jackfruit Rambutan Jambu Web Results Durian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian The durian 2] is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio and the family Malvaceae (although some taxonomists place Durio in a distinct ... Durian - How to Eat Durian Fruit thaifood.about.com/od/howtopreparethaifruit/ss/durianst... Health Benefits: Durian is very healthy, with high concentrations of vitamins and minerals. It is unique among fruit in that it contains the B-complex vitamins (great ... Learning to love durian: why the world's stinkiest fruit is better than ... www.gadling.com/2011/09/08/learning-to-love-durian/ Sep 8, 2011 ... Durian. No other fruit creates such conflicting opinions. Throughout Southeast Asia the green, hedgehog-shaped 'king of the fruits' is ... Durian, Bangkok (Thailand) varieties, effect on health and youth ... durian.net/ You may not be allowed to bring a durian fruit to a hospital in Bangkok, or the cosmetic surgery clinic in Thailand where you have your hair transplantation done, ... How to Open a Durian Fruit Home Hacks | The Kitchn www.thekitchn.com/how-to-open-a-durian-fruit-44038 Feb 28, 2008 ... Over the weekend, I purchased a durian, which is a tropical fruit that originates in Southeast Asia, in Chinatown in San Francisco with my friend ... How smelly is the durian? - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DoQj-hFfmYkQ Jul 26, 2007 ... as it says, how smelly is the durian..? a brainiac experiment... Durian www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/durian_ars.html The durian tree, reaching 90 to 130 ft (27-40 m) in height in tropical forests, is usually erect with short, straight, rough, peeling trunk to 4 ft (1.2 m) in diameter, and ... Durian fruit nutrition facts and health benefits www.nutrition-and-you.com/durian-fruit.html Delicious soft, succulent durian fruit is one of its own kinds, very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the king of fruits...Read on. DURIAN web.singnet.com.sg/~tonym/durian.html An expat in Singapore describes his personal experiences, from early avoidance to an enthusiastic embrace. Video -- Durian -- National Geographic video.nationalgeographic.com/video/places/culture-place... Durian. A fruit with a putrid odor is a delicacy to some. comments, related links, and more ... Durian. over a year ago. Saving... 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. 04:47 ...

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